The Letting Go. Debra Scacco. LAX Airport United Terminal 7,
Departures Through May 2020
If traveling through LAX this holiday season, please stop by United check in (Terminal 7) to visit The Letting Go. Inspired by the bravery of immigrants past and present, the work is a reflection on where we come from, where we’ve been, and where we hope to go. Formed from a world map and composed of 20,000 feet of nautical rope, this complex web connects the seven continents to land masses and major bodies of water, breaking down hierarchies of land, water, absence, presence, border and boundary. The individual lines, held in place only by tension, travel freely and collectively from origin to destination. As travelers pass through, the site-specific work presents a quiet moment to consider both their own journey, and the journeys of those that came before.
The Letting Go
Hand-dyed nautical rope, teak, acrylic
32' x 12' x 8"
LAX Airport
United Terminal 7, Departures
Through May 2020
Photos by Panic Studio LA, courtesy of Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) and City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs (DCA)
*The work is in a public area.
A ticket to travel is not required.
The origination of The Letting Go is a drawing series studying line, space and connection. The form begins with seven points creating an incomplete circle. From each point, 19 lines are drawn within the confines of the form. Each of the seven points represents a geography significant to my history. Each line represents a single location in which I have lived. The act of creating these drawings is an attempt to complete the incomplete, and a study in the radical difference in an identical process repeated over time.
Drawings from the series are available now.
Contact the studio for full details.
The Letting Go I - XIX
Metallic Ink on Paper
8.5" x 11" each
Drawings available now.
for purchasing details.